Thanks to Diane for her strategic prodding. I like to hear how others are doing, so I better contribute to the thread.
It is hard to believe that a year plus has gone by since last July. It was refreshing for me to see people. I was sort of in a state of participant and observer at the reunion. I think of the reunion frequently. Maryel Huntwork Moyer and her husband Dave came through Portland this summer on a tour. We met them at their hotel for dinner and conversation. It was good to exchange stories and see that we have a lot in common. Shiela Murphy Bradshaw and I are in e-mail contact - we live about 60 miles apart - we will get together soon.
This year has been good and difficult. In March, I was in an auto accident - someone turned left in front of me without looking - we were in a T formation (not so much fun as football.) I had three car lengths to do something good as she had a passenger in the front. I managed to get out of the T but not the collision.
I have been left with some painful injuries. I had intended to go to Africa as a volunteer this year, but my injuries prevented it. The hardest things for me are pain, loss of my multitasking talents, and months of 5 - 6 medical appointments each week for therapies. There have been miracles and challenges and grief.
I continue with volunteer work here. With the retirement of the founder of Good Samaritan Ministries, I am now involved in training and supervising lay counselors. I love it that everything I have done well or wrong, enjoyed, suffered, liked, disliked is used in this work. Fortunately the counseling and supervision require my brain and spirit; my injuries do not prevent these activities.
My husband and I are dealing with a health change he is experiencing. I have gained deeper respect for him as I observe him stepping into the challenge. In all my years of nursing I have not seen it done better. We were scheduled to go to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons but had to change our plans. with his changes we needed me to be at a higher functioning level to make the trip.
Instead we just returned from some days in Astoria, Oregon. We rested and watched the ships. Just what we needed. Every time we get a rest, I say we need to do this once a quarter. We are not very good at follow through on this subject.
For six years I have led a team of volunteers that puts on an annual art show fund raiser, Artists For Children Of the World. (We had a beautiful website, but someone hacked it. So, I can't give it to you.) We are working on the 2011 show now. For two years, I have been turning more over to the members. My injuries have sped up this transition of working myself out of leadership on this project. Fortunately some new people are participating. I am trusting that all will go well in 2011.
In rereading this it comes to mind that as we age, we have choices to make if we will keep a balance maintaining the life we want while contending with the demands of imposed change. It takes some deliberate thinking and open conversation. My philosophy: Happy faces are nice, but they don't do the trick in the trenches.
Like Judie, I hope others will write.
Kathy Peck Lane