"Doug" is known about Cubberley for his fine ability in art - enjoys making jewelry, posters and cartoons - plans to work with metal or ceramics after graduation, either with his family or on his own.
It is with heavy heart that I inform you that Douglas died on 10/18.2008. He was 68 years of age. If you wish to receive a copy of the Obituary I will send you one upon receipt of your address.
Douglas was multi-talented creating sculptures that were shipped all over the world. He also designed houses in CA and OR. He was an atheist but loved nature and the environment. He was able to capture the essence of birds and animals in a most unique way in his sculpture.
He is sadly missed.
Kathy Peck (Lane)
I just visited his web site. His art is amazing, breath taking. Who would have guessed? I remember taking a pottery class - Mrs. Johnson, I seem to remember, was the teacher. Everyone did their own work. I remember Doug would come into class and touch base w/Mrs. Johnson. There was this attitude of respect she had for him. Little did I know.Janis (Jan) Andersen (Havens)
I visited Doug's Website the other day. What an amazing talent! I remember him always drawing, in Art class, on his binder, etc. If you get to these notes, go to the web page and take a look in his Gallery. He chose a medium that not many can master, and master it he did! Beautiful works of art!!