i first heard of linda's passing from sandy hunt. i have looked for and obituary to no avail. it seems she passed away two weeks ago or so. according to sandy she lived in southern oregon with her husband tom. may they rest in peace.
According to Linda’s granddaughter Colette, on FB. Linda and Tom passed away a few days of one another. I think the dates were Feb 16 and Feb. 21. I went back to Linda’s FB, but I could not locate the dates again. Colette also mentioned that Tom and Linda were in poor health. This news is so very sad. Much love to all the family.
Arlene Soares (Bridgeman)
According to Linda’s granddaughter Colette, on FB. Linda and Tom passed away a few days of one another. I think the dates were Feb 16 and Feb. 21. I went back to Linda’s FB, but I could not locate the dates again. Colette also mentioned that Tom and Linda were in poor health. This news is so very sad. Much love to all the family.
Maryle Papineau (Malloy)
Thank you for updating us on Linda's passing. Our condolences to her family.